Structure begets Chaos (the good kind)
Be regular and orderly in your life like a bourgeois, so that you may be violent and original in your work.
—Gustave Flaubert, via MacSparky.
If you’re hoping to get creative, you need a so-called “trusted system” to help manage the stuff of everyday life, and more than anything you have to stick to it. That’s the regular part. It’s the daily habit of doing, and getting past the chores of email and life management that can so easily eat up your whole life. After years of resisting, I’ve finally gone with the (expensive) system of OmniFocus on my devices, and so far it is helping. Based on David Allen’s Getting Things Done, it seems like every blog on the web blathers on about this stuff non-stop. When in doubt, blog about your trusted system!
I promise not to do that. But now that I am thoroughly bourgeois (I’m wearing plaid shorts for Chrissake!), I’m ready to be a total artistic Bohemian!