The Basic Warm-up Series Conclusion
Now that we've worked our way through the first series of Voice warm-up exercises, we've got some basic tools to create a regular warm-up with. Warming up only works if you're diligent enough to warm-up on a regular basis. The goal is not only to prepare yourself for the day, but also to build skills through your warm-up. So over time, this warm-up will become far too simple, too easy for an actor to find particularly useful. You'll need to update your warm-up by adding new exercises from the VoiceGuy, and from other teachers and resources, like books on voice and/or speech.
The entire Basic Warm-up Series is available as audio files from the Playlist page.
The VoiceGuy aims to put the tools in your hands to enable you to maintain your practice, without a teacher to constantly guide you. Look for more advanced series of warm-ups, podcasts and playlists in future postings of the blog. As those elements are added, I'll update this page with links to those resources. Starting tomorrow I'll begin the Intermediate Warm-up Series, with another ten step process through the voice work.
If you're finding these tools make you want to explore more voice work, please seek out a trained voice professional in your area. The Voice and Speech Trainers Association (VASTA) has a list of trainers, also listed by Country/State, that you can contact to find more information on further training. There is nothing like having a teacher to guide your learning!
Thank you for all of these wonderful articles.
My pleasure. Your comment has reminded me that I really should get my act together and start posting to voiceguy. So I’m committing to one per week.
I have just discovered your web site “The Voice Guy” and I am really excited to follow your excercises. I was diagnosed with oromandibular dystonia which has affected my speech. It causes uncontrollable muscle movements of the face and tongue. I am currently being treated with botox injections into my face and tongue but still have some problems with the clarity of my speech. Family understand me but strangers have difficulty. I have tried to get into some speech therapists but they mainly deal with children. I am really keen on impoving my articulation and your web site is one of the first that I have seen that deals with sounds and the tongue so thank you very much. Do you have a text book that I could purchase? I have downloaded the information from this web site and will start practicing immedately.
Warmest Regards
Linda P.